About This Journal

Aims and Scope

Korean Journal of Materials Research is the official publication of the Materials Society of Korea - a member of IUMRS (International Union of Materials Research Society). The journal contains research on nanomaterials, electronic and sensor materials, energy and ecomaterials, biomaterials, display and optics materials, composite and structural materials, and metals. It was launched in 1991 and publishes 12 volumes annually, with issues released on the 27th of each month. The ISO abbreviation of the journal tile is 'Korean J. Mater. Res.'

The purpose of the journal is to provide research papers and technical information on materials science and engineering and recent research trends to MRS-K society members. Manuscripts can be submitted in English or Korean.

The manuscripts submitted are considered for publication under the condition of originality, and thus must not have been published in any other journal. The manuscript will be reviewed by three peer reviewers and will be approved for publication with the approval of two or more peer reviewers.

The URL address of the journal is http://journal.mrs-k.or.kr, where full text is available. This journal is distributed to members of the MRS-K and institutions that have joined as members. And the annual membership fee includes the subscription fee.

All bibliographical indexes and the database of the journal are available in SCOPUS, DOI/Crossref, and KCI (Korea Citation Index).


Fund support

This work was supported by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST) grant funded by the Korean government.